If you think you and your guildmates have what it takes to make invaluable beta testers, take a stab at our Cataclysm Beta -- Guild Contest. All you need to do is tell us in a short essay why you and nine of your guildmates should be in the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm beta test. We’ll be picking 100 winning submissions each week for five weeks, for a total of 5,000 beta keys at stake!
For World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, we’re looking for a healthy handful of guilds to join us in the beta test process. If you think your guild would supply the perfect candidates for testing the limits of Cataclysm's content and systems, tell us why!
4. Entry in the contest.
Beginning on the Commencement Date, you can enter the Contest by emailing a short essay (50 to 250 words) elaborating on why the World of Warcraft guild that the entrant is the guild master of should take part in the World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Beta Test to blizzardcontest@blizzard.com. Your submission must be in English, and must be between 50 and 250 words in length to be considered for the Contest. You are limited to one (1) entry in the Contest. Any entries or submissions which depict or glorify overly graphic, lewd, obscene, vulgar or profane behavior, or which utilize lewd, obscene vulgar or profane language, either as part of the submission or as the name of the submission, will be disqualified at the sole discretion of Sponsor.
All you have to do is send an email to blizzardcontest@blizzard.com containing a short essay between 50 and 250 words explaining why we should bring you and nine of your guild mates on-board. We’ll be picking 100 winning submissions from eligible participants each week for five weeks beginning Monday, June 7th through Monday, July 12th.
Before entering the contest, be sure to read the full contest rules for details and eligibility.